Thursday, 4 April 2013

Welcome to Thursday Psycho blog!

Follow the instructions on this below

Your first task is to create a blog and to link all your classmates.
To begin with you need to create a gmail account.

1. If you have a google account: sign in first, if you don’t have a google account: create a google account
2. Go to:
3. Click: create your blog now
4. Please remember to change the language during set up so that your blog is in English.
5. Name your blog
6. Choose any template you like
7. Go to dashboard, scroll down to the bottom of the page & change the language to English.

8 Go to design, Layout, add a gadget, LINK LIST, and add names & links and when you have the last name linked, save. Ask the teacher if you are not sure.

9. Start posting (dashboard) Write a short introduction of yourself ( minimum 120 words:)

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