I love the internet. I love the fact that I can learn about anything I am interested in or just ask about particular things. I spend some time on the internet every day. I use google a lot, I use gmail, youtube and facebook sometimes, etc.
I am interested in politics even though I despise most politicians. Politics is present everywhere and in all areas, and I suppose I became interested the day I realized how Education was affected by political decisions. How educational research to a large extent was determined by the administration at the time.
A few years back, I was reading about genetically modified food and found a website by chance. The site is www. democraciadirecta.cl. I liked it immediately because it showed news about communities and ordinary people, about decisions taken and affecting a lot of citizens. I like to know about the people in general and not just about those around me. I like to see articles about issues that do not appear in mass media. I visit this website once a week and look at interesting articles. Another website I like is www. ciperchile.cl. This website shows a lot of serious journalistic research that would never appear on TV. A friend of mine told me about this site by chance. I visit it every two weeks more or less.
Write about a website you like. Why you like it. How you discovered it and how often you visit it.
Write a minimum of 160 words. Post 1 comment on your teacher’s blog and 2 comments on 2 different classmates J
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ReplyDeleteIve hearded about the ciper website. Sounds interesting, and a good source of information. I´ll visit that website to make a personal impression of it
ReplyDeleteHi Miss, the website your visit is very interesting because it talking about for the different people and publish the important news every day, is the good page for I known different realities.
ReplyDeleteHi miss, I never visited this websites, but I think that could be so interested check it.
I think that your blog is very useful for the class but is difficult write a blog and comment your blog in a few minutes =(
Hi miss the true is that I don’t understand all yours post, but is interesting the political website
ReplyDeleteHello miss i hope you are well, your website is very interesting because politics topics affect to everybody, is important because everybody have opinion about differents news. Regards.
ReplyDeleteLove you internet? Wow i´m very surprised,I don´t agree with you because I dislike internet, because i fell that is a place without limits and also is very dangerous for the personal privacity
ReplyDeleteMiss! I think that always is important to know diference means of communication.
ReplyDeleteAnd me too love the internet =)
Is very interesting (for my part) that an adult, read many articles or news of present in a website, above all in a seriously pages. However, love the internet might steal much important time for other things that you do, this pleasure may be transform in a disadvantage for your personal life.
ReplyDeleteHi! I love internet too I think that internet is the most effective means of communication. I see you the next thursday :)
ReplyDeletehello miss!,
ReplyDeleteis very interesting your favorite website!I will check with calm!
I see you the Thursday.
Hi miss: the sites that you expose are many interesting... I hope one day have a time for visit this... you make me happy because you are interested in political events... Regards
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ReplyDeleteHello miss Beatriz! I dont know this websites and I dont like the politicians, but, I will check this sites in the future.
ReplyDeleteAs you and Francisca I love internet too. I can't imagine my life without a laptop and a good signal of wifi because I use them everyday and I do everything with this instruments.
ReplyDeleteBy the way this post is opportune to me 'cause I decide to vote this year and I want to inform myself in order to choose the best candidate so I pretend to read very often the websites you're showing us. Also, without noticing at the first time, I'm very interested in politics this year, maybe it's time to get serious about my education on this subject.
Regards and see you next week (:
Hello miss, is fantastic to you love internet and visited different webside, I don`t like the web because is very dificult for me, but I will visit the page to you recommend, for inform me about the information that you say never appear on TV. Thanks for tell us about this links
ReplyDeleteHello! I think that the interet is very important and necesary in this times, but beware of the pages that aren't serious and sometimes has information that isn't real. For example: Wipidedia jajaja!. Regards! :)
ReplyDeleteI visit sometimes ciperchile, there are interesting reports and I like specially for the approach of the news and for write topics that rarely or never are speak in tv.