Thursday, 23 May 2013

Dear all,

Today  or before Saturday night we will do a reflecting task.

I told you about the theory of multiple intelligences because I have to admit I agree with Howard Gardner when he states the traditional idea of intelligence is very limited and the traditional educational models hinder the potential of a lot of children.

I structured my presentation in a way that allowed me to show you the foundation and the main elements of this theory in 3:30 minutes. I also allowed for a short justification of the topic chosen. I think like the idea that Gardner really challenged most experts in cognitive psychology and to a certain extent development. I strongly believe this theory should be applied at elementary school level so all children could develop their strengths and improve their weaknesses.

Today, I’d like you to reflect on your presentations.

Tell us about the topic you chose.

Why you chose it

How well you think you organized it
Anything you would do differently if you did it again.

Roughly mention what is the most interesting part of this theory, author, etc. And why you think it could be interesting for us as an audience.

Write a minimum of 200 words and write a minimum of 3 comments


  1. In general I don`t like talk about inteligence, because I think to this concept has been given a bad use.

    1. Hi Tamar,
      This is exactly why the concept of "multiple intelligences" is so appealing. There isn't just one type of intelligence.

    2. Miss i agree with you , the intelligence is not a simple thing is a great connection and not all the persons are equal, this are one more fantastic thing of the human, his faculty for create

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i think that we should be careful about the notion of intelligence, because sometimes we classify according to specific cultures but not take the totality, the variety.

  4. Miss, Im sorry, I'm commenting to limit the time, you was right, memory is fragile :( I dont have multiple intelligences, I am very forgetful, I need that intelligence u.u

  5. Hi Miss
    I wanted to tell you that I also believe that the traditional idea of intelligence is very limited. Also I think you should change the subject to advance education, as education in our country does not allow us to develop :/

  6. Miss!!!!!!!
    I forgot to write in my blog at the time indicated =(
    Sorry, I had a hectic weekend. =(
    I believe in multiple intelligences, and I also believe that schools do not promote all the intelligences!
